Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Is That All It Was

Someone called your name as we walked along
An old friend as far as I could tell
That’s when I realized
That I
Was with you
The two of us together
I was in love and you were just with someone, me
As we walked along you spoke about the future
The one without me in it
That’s not how you put it
That’s just how it is
But then you’ve never spoke about a future with me in it
But I’d never considered any other since we became
Not lovers.
But Friends?
Is that all it was?
Not to me
For you it was never anything more
Was it ever anything more to you?
Just polite conversation as we passed the time together
You were bound to me by polite politics, social norms
The polite trappings of people thrown together
But I was bound to you by something else


Anonymous Anonymous said...

C hances are
o ther man
r eigns in her heart
d are her though to
e xpress the truth
let your feelings be known
l et her realize that there isn't other man but you!

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I was in love and you were just with someone,.." I think you have read my "Loveres Leap." In my opinion, it is a rare match when both are 100% focused on each other. If there is not "another" there is oftenr a portion one wants to keep for themself. A 100%/95% with 5% held back for me, can cause resentment and hurt. Why? If I knew I'd have a TV show like Dr. Phil and be selling books rather than freelancing.

11:24 AM  

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